
Company information

Operating company JR Tokai Agency Co., Ltd.
Legal representative President and CEO Sumio Atsuchi
Major business lines
  1. Advertising agency for newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and other media advertisements
  2. Planning and production for advertisements and promotions
  3. Planning and operation of expositions, exhibitions, trade shows, entertainment, and similar events
  4. Planning, production, and sale related to publishing, printing, photography, film, and similar media
  5. Information collection, survey, analysis, and R&D related to advertising and promotions
  6. Manufacture, installation, maintenance, management, and rental of equipment for advertising in stations and related sites, and transport and removal of related advertisements
  7. Management and operation of equipment for advertising in trains, and transport and removal of related advertisements
  8. Security guard operations
  9. Planning, manufacture, and sale of products, gifts, and novelties related to railroads
  10. Sale of used items
  11. Authorized reuse of train carriages and related items as saleable products
Corporate Website https://www.jrta.co.jp/